F.Y. Eye’s work is focused on increasing equitable access to important information and resources in NYC. Getting out the vote and helping New Yorkers understand Ranked Choice Voting from both a process perspective as well as the opportunity it presents to make our democracy more inclusive and equitable speaks to the core of why F.Y. Eye exists. As part of our ongoing work to deliver credible messages through trusted messengers, F.Y. Eye has partnered with community organizations in NYC to design inspiring and effective PSAs ahead of the June Primaries.
This PSA was produced by F.Y. Eye in collaboration with LiveOn NY.
About LiveOn NY
At LiveOn NY, their mission is to make sure that no New Yorker is alone in the face of these challenges. They began as a City organization dedicated to advocating for policy change to further the interests of senior centers and agencies. Today, they are also an incubator, shaping the future of aging by developing new ideas that take the form of advocacy, policy and program development. And now, they directly serve older New Yorkers, standing beside them as they face daily challenges.